"In this connection I recall a conversation with Himmler. It was 1942, and I had just reported on our attempts to negotiate a peace between Japan and China. Hitler's original conception had been to create, with the help of Britain, a so-called "Eurafrican Space," which was to be built up as the center of resistance against the East. Finally, after 1940, recognizing Britain's refusal to reach a compromise, he transformed this conception into that of the so-called "Eurasian Space." Walter Schellenberg, The Labyrinth; Memoirs of [ ] Hitler's Chief of Counterintelligence, DA CAPO Press, 1956/1984.
Blair and Hitler both recognized the underlying reality. Trying to 'reverse engineer' the alien interface, we are trying to figure out how unified it is insofar as it looks like they addressed the 'European question' first one way and then the other as strength on the ground shifted.
You assume the Nazis are/were backed by one group of aliens and the British Jews [who, incidentally, had Allard Lowenstein bring AIDS to Africa] are/were backed by another, but the line blurs pretty fast.

Did Bruce Springsteen come to the attention of the CIA at Andy Warhol's so-called 'Factory' in 1965, when he was fifteen years old and lead guitarist of The Castiles playing Cafe Wha? in Greenwich Village[?].
Talk about somebody nearly dying in a fight - either him or the other guy - comes later.

FACTORY GIRL. Edie Sedgwick. She is of the witch family.
From Wikipedia.
Edie Sedgwick was born at the Cottage Hospital in Santa Barbara, California to Francis Minturn Sedgwick (1904–1967), a sculptor, philanthropist and rancher, and Alice Delano de Forest. She was named after her father's aunt – his mother's older sister.
Edie's family originated from Stockbridge, Massachusetts where her great-great-great grandfather Judge Theodore Sedgwick had settled after the American Revolution. Theodore Sedgwick was the first to plead and win a case for the freedom of a black woman, Elizabeth Freeman, under the Massachusetts Bill of Rights that declared all men to be born free and equal. Sedgwick's mother was the daughter of Henry Wheeler de Forest (President of the Southern Pacific Railroad, and direct descendant of Jesse de Forest whose Dutch West India Company helped to settle New Amsterdam).
Her paternal grandfather was Henry Dwight Sedgwick III, historian and acclaimed author. Sedgwick's family has been long established in Massachusetts history, with members having been painted by the artist John Singer Sargent. Her great-great-great grandfather, William Ellery, was a signatory of the Declaration of Independence. She was a cousin of actress Kyra Sedgwick.
INSIDE LINE. Senator John McCain is talking about the United States putting our money and "TREASURE" into Iraq. What they aren't saying - somebody has taken John Singer Sargent paintings out of the National Gallery and swapped in cheap knock offs, apparently using the art to 'collateralize' the debt we've sold to the Asians [or whoever]. True. We've hocked or pawned our art in deficit spending, but the John Singer Sargent tie is an interesting coincidence if it isn't related.
[Wikipedia cont]. Sedgwick pursued a brief career in modeling, appearing in Vogue on March 15, 1966. She also appeared in the September 1965 issue of LIFE and was featured in Vogue as a youthquaker in 1965.
Although she appeared in magazines, she never became an accepted part of the fashion industry. According to senior editor Gloria Schiff: "she was identified in the gossip columns with the drug scene, and back then there was a certain apprehension about being involved in that scene... people were really terrified by it... drugs had done so much damage to young, creative, brilliant people that we were just anti that scene as a policy". However, editor-in-chief of Vogue, Diana Vreeland, called her an exemplar of the era's youth culture.
In January 1965, Sedgwick met Andy Warhol at Lester Persky's apartment. She began going to The Factory regularly in March with Chuck Wein. During one of these visits, Warhol put her into Vinyl. She made a short cameo appearance in Warhol's film, Horse, when she and Ondine entered The Factory toward the end of the film.
On April 30, 1965, Warhol took both Sedgwick and Wein (as well as Gerard Malanga) with him to the opening of his exhibit at the Sonnabend Gallery in Paris. Upon returning to New York City, Warhol told his scriptwriter, Ron Tavel, that he wanted to make Sedgwick the queen of The Factory and asked him to write a script for her: "Something in a kitchen. White and clean and plastic." The result was Kitchen, with Sedgwick, Rene Ricard and Roger Trudeau. It was shot at soundman Buddy Wirtschafter's studio apartment……

Edie with Andy Warhol. Don't know if it's a 'secret' or not - quasi restricted information - but Bruce Springsteen used to hang out at The Factory before he was called Bruce Springsteen, and he apparently almost killed a man in a fight or maybe he almost died but Lauren [and presumably a couple other people] broke it up.
True/False: is Springsteen known to have frequented The Factory 'pre-Sprinsteen' so to speak? Not obviously but he might not deny it. It's kind of a bummer possibility - Miles Copeland CIA and the Police; now we find out the so-called 'Boss' may have had an inside line, which doesn't enhance his endorsement of John Kerry 2004. Are we also finding out his original name wasn't Springsteen? He has a sister Pamela Sue Springsteen, so a disinformation effort - if there is one - would have been pretty extensive. Lauren doesn't pretend to be infallible, and we were all a lot younger at the time.

Laura with her gaze issue.
SURVEILLANCE MECHANISMS WON'T UPLOAD GRAPHIC I REALLY WANT [in this case a photo of Laura Bush with daughter Barbara - both in 'witchcraft black' - with the new Pope in the Vatican].
REVISED FOR SPELLING[S]. Anyway, identity of the coven is starting to tighten. Europeans are apparently after Laura Bush or otherwise not happy with her; the 'Nine' include Laura Bush,
Susan Bresler's cousin from Long Island, NY, Carol Caplin. TROUBLE [Gross is consistent in the spelling of 'Caplin' as opposed to 'Kaplan' and so it remains]. Alias Carol Ann Hunter, also called 'Mrs. Love' apparently as an inside joke, Carol Caplin is attached to Laura Bush in the cult of killers. [Tony] Blair is attached to Laura.
[Apparently born as 'Claire Sobel,'] Claire Bronnit aka Claire 'Stevens' and Claire 'Buchan'; "metaphored" as Claire Short in Tony Blair's shadow government.
Catherine Zeta Jones [programming and California temple, LA vortex],
Kim Wexler [Ninja killer in Japan getting into Lord Wexler and her uncle Warren Wexler, Sands Point/Port Washington, Long Island, New York and bad voodoo],
Susan Brezler,
Melody Wang,
Barbara Bush [Jr.][daughter],
and Koo Stark.
That is not an isolated group though it is difficult to quantify affiliations, said to include Sarah [ex-Dutchess of York], [Joe-el] Brown [apparently tied to the old Masonic Temple in Washington D.C., conceptually at 911 F Street NW though the bottom floor in now a restaurant with no street numbers visible], Lisa Bronnit, and, at some level perhaps emergent, Angolina Jolie [bad programmer; pretty funny in light of all the multi-racial ecology crap, her plan is actually part of destruction]. Even the core group has not been stable [Laura Bush killed ex-boyfriend Michael Dutten Douglas in 1963, Barbara Bush Jr. not even born until 1981].
First the gossip. 'Sedgewick Pie' is an ancient burial ground in Stockbridge Mass running out of room and some people - though NOT Lauren - are worried; apparently a 'bowl' shape at a vortex location there is an issue in continuity [immortality] which needs to be addressed. Tony Blair is Lucifer, and apparently is quite knowledgable in the Sedgewick continuity paradigm including various lines and affiliations.
Nichole Brown Simpson was supposedly an Armageddon-ist; it is important to differentiate between EVIL [the Nine for example] and the merely Apocalyptic which at some level is simply a variation on 'big bang' theory. 'And what is your opinion on the origin of the universe' as opposed to raping children on a frequent basis.
The news [per Lauren]. The Nine are EVIL, want to kill, and essentially do kill. Bodies get taken down to the Southwest by a General [not 'Secord' but it sounded close to that - Stewart or something], possibly Arizona, and it isn't clear this relates to the twelve hundred guys killed and wrapped at plastic one winter in the late 1990s apparently at Fort Benning Georgia but it might.
Dating back to the 1960s, this fight is William Faulkner-esque in that the narrative is iterative, Lauren doesn't represent herself as knowing all of it though at one point they attacked her and froze her brain - she used to know more or have more immediate recall than she does, but generally the participants know each other in clear recognition.
Nick McCarthy's brother Joel Hand hurrying through The Book of Hand which apparently is the real meal deal, written in ancient Samaria with curses that do bring 'the evil' and the end of the world as we know it. Only vague references in literature now on the internet, The Book of Hand ranks right up there with the Bible and the Egyptian Book of the Dead in terms historical legitimacy and its interesting no one moves it forward beyond a fiction writer named Patricia Cornwell circa 1996.
In and of itself, the relative absence in light of the relative abundance elsewhere might be something of a validation.
SCUM. Society for Cutting Up Men. Pissed off women who more than want to do it but have a need to do it. Certainly more than just a joke, it isn't clear whether they really use the acronym or not.
The other thing is that they use doubles for George W. Bush. Yes/no, true/false. When he's running a streak of babble words, or cutting up - probably keying on some facial expressions - it may not really be him.
Wikipedia, CIA on the internet: James Dale Guckert worked under the pseudonym Jeff Gannon as a White House reporter between 2003 and 2005, representing Talon News. After Guckert came under public scrutiny, in particular for his lack of a significant journalistic background and involvement with various homosexual escort service websites using the professional name Bulldog, he resigned from Talon News on February 8, 2005. Continuing to use the name Gannon, he has since created his own official homepage and worked for a time as a columnist for the Washington Blade newspaper, where he came out as a homosexual.
Guckert routinely obtained daily passes to White House briefings. He attended four Bush press conferences and appeared regularly at White House press briefings. Although he did not qualify for a Congressional press pass, Guckert was given daily passes to White House press briefings "after supplying his real name, date of birth and Social Security number".
[Resequenced from Wikipedia] Guckert first attended a White House press conference on February 28, 2003, and there asked a question of then White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer....
Guckert first gained national attention during a presidential press conference on January 26, 2005, in which he asked United States President George W. Bush a question that some in the press corps considered "so friendly it might have been planted".
After the January 26, 2005 press conference, scrutiny into his personal and professional background by news organizations and blogs began.....According to the Washington Post, "Jeff Gannon, ... whose naked pictures have appeared on a number of gay escort sites, says that he has 'regrets' about his past but that White House officials knew nothing about his salacious activities."
Guckert had registered several Internet domain names, including Hotmilitarystud.com and Militaryescorts4m.com and posted naked pictures of himself.
"Bloggers revealed that Jeff Gannon... had previously worked as a $200-an-hour gay prostitute who advertised himself on a series of websites with names such as hotmilitary stud.com."
The House Judiciary Committee [was asked to look into the matter but ultimately] voted against House resolution 136, on March 16, 2005. ....The resolution directed the Attorney General and the Secretary of Homeland Security to transmit [certain] documents in the possession of officials to the House of Representatives. These documents related to the security investigations and background checks involved in granting access to the White House of James D. Guckert (also known as Jeff Gannon)....
Democratic Representatives John Conyers of Michigan and Louise Slaughter of New York submitted similar requests under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), on February 15, 2005. A letter dated March 7, 2005, from the Secret Service stated, "Please be advised that our Office of Protective Operations has looked into this matter and has determined that there was no deviation from Secret Service standards and procedures as your letter suggests," wrote Secret Service Deputy Assistant Director Conrad A. Everett. The letter did not detail what the standards were. During the Committee meeting Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee said Gannon had engaged in a possible "penetration of the White House."....
The Louise Slaughter request was answered by the Department of Homeland Security with Secret Service records of Mr. Guckert's check in and out times at the White House. The Secret Service Records appear to show that Gannon spent many nights in the White House and visited the White House on several days during which no press conference or other press events were held. No explanation for these highly unusual visits has yet been provided by Gannon, the Secret Service or the White House. [END CITATION].
Is there a disparity between George W. Bush, Texas President, and George W. Bush, furtive homosexual hidden in the White House? Lauren Gross says they're two entirely different guys,
that in fact there are at least four doubles for the genuine George W. Bush who she claims is not a bad guy,
that they were all seen together as a group in the late 1970s working at least one project for NASA whether or not they crossed to other projects or had a 'professional' or employment affiliation,
and that Porter Goss knows about it.
Why we think its true. The CIA MKULTRA overview designator had three subprojects for invasive medical technologies [as opposed to drug usage], 86, 94, and 119.
94 was directional control in animals.
119 is a system of microscopic wires in the bodies, skulls and brains of legislative and government officials [hint: apparently implanted, Senator Thune is probably going to be around for a long time].
Subproject 86 was conceptualized as preventing 'doubling' or an enemy swapping in an imposter, but from there it falls off the charts. No more mention of it is made circa 1950s/1960s, but from 2001 ongoing to date we've been swamped with reports of the practice - doubling - which in retrospect can be traced back to a Howard Hughes paradigm California late 1950s. Bill Gates swapped out Dec 02 1999. Conceptually 'proving' it exists not by 'the fact' but by 'the anti-fact' so to speak; we don't see the technology but rather the pervasive activity.
We don't see the planet but the gravitational pull; that is common in observation.
And thank Lauren for what is actually validation beyond allegations of doubling in the entertainment industry.

Michael Jackson is going to IRAN - noted on peterbis.blogspot.com. Perspective - he [Jackson] previously went to Transylvania [Wallachia now in Romania] and spent six weeks sleeping on the grave of Vlad the Impaler - the original Dracula - says Bryan Adrian based on reports Adrian received from locals while traveling in eastern Europe.

Vlad from Wikipedia, a CIA information source on the worldwide web.
Re-summarizing the situation, in pre-history there was a war and it pretty apparently went nuclear based on glass-types recovered in areas ranging from the Gobi desert in Mongolia to sub-strata of the Great Sahara. The outcome was essentially vampiric versus android which Adrian takes into the Masonic Templars versus Knights of Malta Hospitalers paradigm; for our purposes its only important to the extent Jackson is apparently factionalized with Condi Rice et al who are very vampiric [common knowledge in Europe].
One note of interest. Ann Powers [daughter of Elvis Presley and Marilyn Monroe in Michigan 1968 now enslaved by a Jewish conspiracy with her children confiscated] says Michael Jackson's extensive plastic surgery was undertaken to make him look like Mark [middle name either Edward or David] Pierce, a close aide to
Adolf Hitler, and is - in those circles - widely considered to have been a complete success.

Washington D.C. - a mighty nation's capital city which the CIA hired Eleanor Norton Holmes to keep in chains disgraced. Ying and yang concept; 'bittersweet' - a liberal with impeccable liberal credentials keeping Negro school children indentured.
By any standard of international law the woman should be ridden out of town on a rail; instead a color-fixated liberal machine will almost certainly return her to office 're-elected.'
CIA-orchestrated crime wave [three robberies and a sexual assault on the Mall, a sacrificial Jew getting his throat slit on a street in Georgetown in front of the house of a developer trying to participate in a CIA-orchestrated funding mechanism which ties to the Israelis, whether or not Army psychological warfare experts had been meeting there earlier in the evening as alleged by Wayne Madson] resulting in a curfew for the Negro children, abortion rate off the charts [rumored to approach 60~65 pregnancies per thousand as opposed to 7 per thousand in Kentucky and 30~35 per thousand in California and New York], with nearly 10% of the population seeking government subsidized housing [about 50,000 people out of 550,000].
Of course she couldn't do all that by her lonesome.

The AIDS virus was engineered as a two part process. Pony with a bunch of different riders; Some Types of HIV More Virulent Than Others, FINDINGS, Washington Post, Feb 07 2006 page A8. ....They found that people infected with the D clade, or subtype, died more quickly than those infected with the A clade. Clade was a better predictor of rapid death from AIDS than viral load - how much virus can be found in a patient's blood ...... Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections in Denver [of course we're seeing the new domestic 'authorized or not' headquarters of the CIA behind everything in Denver of late].
The virus's nine clades correspond to rough geographical boundries. Clades A and D are common in Uganda, for instance; clade C circulates in Botswana, South Africa, India and parts of China. Clade B is common in Europe and the United States....
Amebic dysentery figured into it; anyway Eleanor and Bill both went to Yale, and Eleanor served on the board of the Rockefeller Foundation.
One source was in the Clinton-era White House office of race relations conceptually under Hillary Clinton; apparently it was really run by a bunch of seriously credentialled women who were all 'high yellow' or of mixed racial parentage striving to pass as white, which our source says has led to questions about Chelsie. Nothing against 'high yellow' or mixed parentage in principle, unless it does reflect a breeding program or CIA orchestration in which case it should be ruthlessly crushed or at least exposed for 'full and informed' public evaluation.
Mail was coded and mostly ignored, though the office supposedly had some $650 dollar an hour Jewish lawyers who had gone to Harvard and walked around like they had everything under control. There was a box, however, which effectively docketed 'cases' or mail and made it impossible or at least very difficult for the lawyers to ignore; the trick was getting cases [mail] into the box. Wildly egregious prison rape letter from a guy who was just at the end of the rope down in maybe Alabama; we aren't sure what state it was but the room was empty and our source couldn't get away from it - he made a break for the box 'which was off on the other side' and almost delivered on it but a strong Negro woman with military experience and a muscular voice called out his name at the very last second and asked him what he was doing. Crushed, he hung his head in shame and took the long walk back to his desk - he was gone a couple weeks later. We don't know what happened to the guy being prison raped.

Woman who ordered 84,000 Pakistanis killed in an induced earthquake.
Penthouse magazine used to have a cartoon female in the back pages called 'Wicked Wanda' - similarly hot - but she never got caught racketeering with the Israelis and Hezbollah to keep the Lebanese people [and government] weak and essentially homeless. Oh wicked Condi!
The recent fighting in the Middle East does look suspiciously orchestrated - Oh wicked Condi!
Nobody saw the tunneling which was a precursor to grabbing that soldier in the south along the Gaza[Penthouse wouldn't miss the opportunity to show a near naked figure resembling John Negroponte fleeing out a backdoor to escape the wrath of the vengeful mistress]- Oh wicked Condi!
If those Israeli soldiers are implanted with either uranium - passive - or electrodes which may be radiated on either a steady or scattered basis [to confuse anticipated Hezbollah efforts at monitoring the surveillance for example. Not humorous but at least ironic - some Israeli helicopters probably have to undertake destruction missions as a cover for overflight monitoring capability] the entire thing is a joke and you're busted on it - Oh wicked Condi!
Headline story - Jews hammer the crap out of Lebanon
and George W. ***hole promptly hustles off to the NAACP convention [first one in six years he's attended] to show his humanitarian side; scheduling for that may reflect POTUS coordination with the Hezbollah Israeli CIA racketeering activity. Secretary of State makes a belated trip overseas. Oh wicked Condi!

Bolton said that we need to clean up corruption in the United Nations. Third World delegates looked at him in silence. Finally one asked if he wanted them to give the CIA bribe money back, with Paul Wolfawhore sitting in the World Bank making sure the payoff checks go out on schedule. It is possible there are countries too screwed for viable direct payoffs - CIA Mugabe and CIA-opposition-to-Mugabe - in which case they probably have direct deposit to Swiss bank accounts and the CIA bribe money never even hits Africa.
Think CIA retired Nigerian ex-generals living in northern Virginia.
Rhodesia was once the bread basket of the continent, but in 1979 the Israeli-linked CIA New York Jew Allard Lowenstein solved that problem.
If nobody does anything and they're left to their own devices with the CIA-engineered AIDS virus and malaria [though the mosquito has been controllable since Americans were digging the Panama Canal and malaria nearly eliminated in Asian countries since the 1950s] with bird-flu in the offing, it looks like they'll ultimately be able to maintain control of that thin band of bureaucrats, technocrats, and political elements which allow the Council on Foreign Relations, Chatham House, and the State Department to manipulate repressive governments worldwide.
Oh wicked Condi! You have been a naughty girl indeed!

Wicked Condi with the bloodiest dictator in Africa, who she was not going to be photographed shaking hands with - but then was; pictured in the CIA mouth-piece Washington Post. Second in duration only to Mugabe, we think that means he's CIA or they're recruiting him - of course that's a matter of semantics when you've been giving him money all along for muscling down a corner of the 'Dark Continent' on behalf of the folks out at the George H.W. Bush Center for Intelligence in Langley.
Closer to home:
Agency backing Will Cobb in the 6th Ward Washington D.C.; an interesting - unfortunate - use of 'collaborator' as a campaign image combined with the profile of particular supporters brought this to our attention. NOW: blew the filing deadline by forty five minutes and must either change parties or run as a write-in candidate which follows the emergent CIA write-in paradigm in their 'fetish of complexity' agenda, evidenced just previously in Williams [the mayor of Washington D.C. similarly blew his filing and had to run a write-in campaign in the immediately previous campaign season]. Will they - the agency involved - own up to it, or undertake evasion. Questions to be answered as the campaign unfolds.

Lauren Gross says Laura Bush and Linda Cropp used to practice witchcraft. The question is whether Linda's campaign for mayor reflects a situational paradigm transitioning dominance past Bush [and for that matter Condi Rice] to a localized community which will still have a national impact. Out of the White House and into the street.

LAUREN GROSS [born about 1956, American] has roots in the New York Masonic temple at 6th Ave. and 23rd St., and relationships with a number of figures now significant in government [George W. Bush administration], some of which originated at summer camps in the 1960s - Camp Colang [Lackawaxen PA 1963~1966] and Camp Swago[Boys]/Swatonah[Girls] [Damascus PA 1967~1972] - dates approximate. She is linked to government security agencies - including localized enforcement divisions - significantly in threat mitigation and in presenting a long-term 'situational awareness.'
Lauren had [has] relationships included acquaintance with Miles Copeland who was a figure in the early CIA. The English musician ‘Sting’ [Gordon Matthew Sumner, born 1951] was apparently at Swago/Swatonah at least one summer [1968 approx], perhaps raising the possibility Sting joined The Police – a popular [top recording] rock band in the 1980s - via Miles Copeland the CIA father as opposed to Stewart Copeland the drummer who was Miles Copeland’s son.... Andrew Card’s name has been mentioned [Camp Colang], and Tony Blair [born 1953] was at Swago/Swatonah one year apparently as a counselor [1968 approx - same year as Sting which seemingly fuels the CIA perspective]. Future wife [Cherie Booth] was with Blair which is striking because they didn’t officially seem to meet until after he graduated from law school [perhaps extending the initial 'phase' or 'precursor events' into the mid 1970s]. Actor Richard Chamberlain [Towering Inferno]/Cumberland [English bishop and philosopher 1631-1718, civil servant and dramatist 1732-1811] allegedly performed a Masonic ritual linking Lauren Gross to Tony Blair; subsequent to the camps Lauren was sequentially 'married' to performing artists across the late 1970s noting it is not entirely certain if that was as a preservation or preparation effort. Apparently NOT at either of the summer camps, Laura Bush may have run around with fellow Texan Don Henley approximately 1976 [Mrs. Bush was then conceptually a librarian at Dawson Elementary] which would have been immediately prior to her meeting and marrying George Bush in 1977. Trying to be diplomatic, Lauren suggests Laura Bush is third in a coven of witchcraft and there are six or eight more, including Catherine Zeta-Jones who is apparently quite significant. Condoleezza Rice maybe was peripheral in it at one time, Lauren citing to a meeting in a New York apartment where, after much discussion of human blood [definitely unmistakably human blood], Rice said - direct quote - "All this talk about blood is making me hungry."
"Melody also told me she would not tell Ariel Sharon what she had been involve in late 1970s / early 1980s and threatened to do something to me if I told him. This was, I believe, in New York" - raising the possibility Melody [Wang] has an Israeli affiliation and/or Ariel Sharon was associated with the New York Masonic community. One lodge - Shakespeare - originated as "the only Caucasian Lodge known in the history of Prince Hall Masonry.... All members except the secretary were Caucasian Jewish men of Eastern European extraction..... [the lodge] changed to [ ] the jurisdiction of the New York Grand Lodge (white)" in 1874 per a brief history by W.[orshipful] Bill Thomas, perhaps of interest.
Another source in Washington D.C. has credibly alleged cliques or groups of performing artists [Elton John, Rod Stewart] work to defend her [the second source], raising questions in 'group dynamic' including selectivity, cohesion, and maintenance over the long-term [at least years, perhaps decades] in an environment of varying proximity.
Separate from both sources, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie were individually used in induced image sequences fourth quarter 2005 which typically reflects a 'situational awareness' while patterns of media orchestration focusing on them very obviously suggest a broader CIA subtext.
To someone without at least peripheral awareness the allegations seem extreme but, reversing that perspective, at some level can be used as a mechanism to quantify exposure or experience in the fairly arcane field of serious threat mitigation.
One important insight is that many relationships within the Bush administration [though apparently not with George W. Bush himself] date to a much earlier time period than is commonly understood.
"--Laura Bush is my adopted mother Joyce Gross' real daughter. She [Joyce Gross] gave her up because she [Laura] was so evil. Laura kidnapped my child Kaitlyn. My daughter was sexually abused and tortured while in a wheelchair. WHERE IS MY CHILD and other children--"
Breaking Developments
"Shoe Box" Film recalls Police's Rise to the Top
Melinda Newman, Washington Post, Jan 16 2005 page C3.
LOS ANGELES - Add "filmmaker" to drummer Stewart Copeland's list of credits. His documentary "Everybody Stares: The Police Inside Out," will debut next week at the Sundance Film Festival .....
[which is actually the first we've heard about a possible tie between Sundance and the CIA, disappointing to the extent 'Sundance' was conceptually suppose to be an 'outside' effort, and interesting to the extent [wasn't it Robert Redford] significantly backed that festival at its inception. No word on a previous Redford/Paul Newman affiliation, but the 'Newman's Own' brand concept is abruptly of interest, as is Newman's previous interests in stock car racing...].
Laura Bush: Rice in '08?
First lady would 'love to see' secretary of state run for president
Tuesday, January 17, 2006; Posted: 11:31 a.m. EST (16:31 GMT)
Current in other news, Marvel returns Batwoman to conquer evil ["gain control over by surmounting impediments," Webster's II New College Dictionary, Third Edition, Houghton Mifflin, Boston - New York 2005] - and stuff.

Headed to Africa
On Monday, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, [Laura] Bush will head a delegation that includes Rice to the west African nation of Liberia to witness the inauguration of Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf.
"I think it's a very, very historical time for Liberia, of course, and really for the whole continent of Africa to have the first woman president," the first lady said. "Liberia just has had 14 years of civil war, of a lot of problems, and they just ended up with a really good, competitive and fair election."
Johnson-Sirleaf, 67, was officially declared president in November, after a runoff election with international soccer star George Weah, who had been favored to win. She received nearly 60 percent of the runoff vote, and Weah dropped charges of fraud he leveled in the initial election.....
[Excited, Lauren writes like a Jewish person talks, left largely unedited here].
Often in the past, I have been asked about "what I think it takes for a government agent to do their job properly," and I replied:
a. First, professionalism, with as much respect possible pertaining to a given situation.
b. Second, an enquiring mind.
c. Third, [proclivity or ambition for] gathering as much evidence as possible, and I add another important note on this:
d. Fourth, COMPASSION. I have learned in this current devastating and ruinous Iraq War that too often people have been scapegoated --- set up as front for the true criminal. The devious have ruined many good people, good agents, and in having witnessed let alone experienced this debacle it is important to have some compassion in an investigation.
Let me present an example: Vice President Cheney.
I love this man. The public and many government people do not know what a wonderful, protective man he is. They do not know that although he was used by someone he trusted and found out so late, the minute he found out [with my missing information] the deadly intent of two women (one is actually a man) that he was being set up he worked hard to find out what was happening.
No one knows the quiet support he was giving all along, all the while he was trying to move away safely from the current entrapping fraud. Many of the passing entourage saw me waving to VP Cheney's car with great enthusiasm and gratitude.
I do not like nor appreciate people who come to the wrong conclusions, even about the most powerful, before they hear testimony from someone as credible as myself.
To me, that effort is malicious and spells "agenda," and a bad one at that. And can hurt a lot of people and start unending war. In trying to retrieve memory frozen for decades, the shock of many is that the same group using and setting up someone like Cheney ensured that the government would be missing National Security information. As another example, Lee Atwater was someone who in his end became one of the greatest heroes. I knew him with Louis Freeh connected to the New York Temple.
I worked with George [H.W.] Bush and James Baker who were drugged with Halcyon and set up back in the 1970s. These are/were decent, good men [beg to differ] - the most powerful, who were being manipulated and didn't even know it. Before Lee Atwater died he wanted me to watch over them until I could find someone else who could, in a sense, take his place. He cared for them and was concerned with their welfare and safety. I first became endangered.
Claire Bronnit's main competition was Lee Atwater who wanted to put an end to "her." If one reads the amazing book "American Hero" by Larry Brinkart you'll understand our situation a bit more.
I met Mr. Hussein. Nice man. George [H.W.] Bush was so drugged that he had to sleep during the day. I tried to convince Mr. Hussein to go to other countries for money. Not to get involved in anything inauspicious. I had seen so many fall already. This was upper 1970s [late 1970s].
Compassion. That is what it takes to see another top leader who was ensnared. Terrible.
Lastly here for now, the story of Blair's involvement in the Iraq War is a sad one. About 1968 he and his then lovely fiancee Cherie Blair worked at Camp Swago Swatonah (near Calicoon New York). I went there as Susan Bresler, another criminal in this war, invited me to join her. What occurred there, as Sting was working there as well, was Blair's attention on myself [which] was also the preparation for the future he claimed would be:
a. Metaphor
b. Simile
c. Allegory
[Masonic references]
He also told me that he needed money and he was a new attorney. So, although being twelve [years-old, Lauren Gross apparently born around 1956], vulnerable and kindly Lord Chamberlain / Cumberland, one of the top Masons also manipulated and set up by the same group, came up to the camp. A Masonic ceremony was performed connecting Blair and myself. That is also the summer that I became attached to the actor Gary Oldman [Sid Vicious in Sid & Nancy] whom came to visit Blair. Another fascinating story, however, the point is that one must understand Blair told me quietly about a portion of earth control (power he had and claimed) and how
--- he might have to fight me someday.
I could not comprehend this. Such a beautiful, gentle man informing quiet me that there would be a war.
--- He did NOT want war.
He became loving.
In continuing, the recurring problem started in his life from a 'woman,' Susan Bresler's cousin from Long Island, NY, Carol Caplin. TROUBLE [Gross is consistent in the spelling of 'Caplin' as opposed to 'Kaplan' and so it remains].
In her own words, that summer her sickness and obsession with Blair was incomprehensible, and [she] actually told me that she was going to use witchcraft curses on him to make him obsessed with me which would push me away and he'd come running back to her. I stated, what about Cherie his fiancee. She replied basically that Cherie wasn't important. If I hadn't seen this before my own eyes I never would have believed it. Blair became so unrecognizable that he actually mentioned about myself, "She's ignoring me. Why don't we just burn her?"
It was [at] this dramatic moment that Gary Oldman promised to protect me.
Didn't. But years later when my relationship with Gary HAD to end he stated 'his mother will drive him to drink, as she did his father. She's no good and she's out to destroy every loving relationship that he's ever had.' The bad witchcraft "group" again. Laura Bush is Gary's maternal influence. Carol Caplin is attached to Laura Bush in the cult of killers. Blair is attached to Laura.
Laura Bush is my adopted mother Joyce Gross' real daughter. She gave her [Laura] away because she [Laura] was so evil. Laura kidnapped my child Kaitlyn. My daughter was sexually abused and tortured while in a wheelchair. WHERE IS MY CHILD and other children.
[Apparently born as 'Claire Sobel,'] Claire Bronnit aka Claire 'Stevens' (connected to Kool 96.7 Norwalk, CT at least in 2001), Claire 'Buchan' connected to the press office in the White House and works in my Congressman's office who certainly did me harm from Long Island, New York: Gary Ackerman is at the helm of this "systemic" disaster. She was "metaphored" as Claire Short in Tony Blair's shadow government. An advisor to Blair before [the] Iraqi War.
Melody Wang, another metaphor for the "Blair Witch Project" ([a] bad part of the Sedgwick Witches connected to Sedgwick England ~ Blair's former domain), stated that she with witchcraft would "break Dick Cheney's heart as much as he broke hers." And then he had nothing but heart attacks. She killed a child in the woods 1966 at Camp Colang [Lackawaxen PA] where the top people in the White House and myself along with Melody and Kenny Rehders, her puppet via witchcraft, attended. 1966 [was] the beginning of the killing years.
It was Melody who informed me that over the course of a lifetime the inside of the coven had to lure in up to 12 powerful men, steal their power after nurturing their power, and murder them. Cannibalize them, for the sickness of their intent [which was] "immortality." She told me that Laura Bush and Victoria Gotti were the most dangerous. Yet how odd that she also told me that after that summer Claire Bronitt (then known as Claire Sobel) was going to put a pillow over her sister Ruth's head and murder her so that Melody could be the new sister.
Of course I ran to Ruth to forewarn her.
Ask Melody Wang how her stepfather and mother died. And while practicing her witchcraft in North Woodinere, Long Island on Newburgh Ave. I believe it was that on my block, one after another, the men were having heart attacks. Some dying. She was practicing witchcraft then with Andrea Wells. Joni Epstein rotten and so disliked a bit later and then the rotten Iris Terens, whose father told me in 1992 that he was not speaking to his daughter. Perhaps about something she had done to me. Jan Rehner, another troublemaker, allowed her to lie. Jan's father, a nice but troubled man I was having an affair with. He dropped Iris. Police had to step in. Detectives, the whole works. Milne in New York knows this. Iris was then pursuing him thereafter. I knew she was into witchcraft. Before Mr. Rehner dropped her she said "Melody says to blame everything that happens in this room on witchcraft" and admitted she had done spells on me. The last time before he supposedly killed himself Mr. Rehner was seen in a car with Iris.
Conclusion here. Incredibly bad. The worst women in their only pursuit: power and immortality to continue it. They are that damn evil that they spend their entire [ ] lives plotting death [and] making war.
Not only have I suffered. The men have.
Compassion and honesty. That is what makes a good agent. Yesterday, today, and hopefully we'll all have a peaceful tomorrow.
Thank you for allowing this information to be reviewed. I submit this in tribute to my Washington hero so incredibly missed. Chief Justice William Rehnquist. Only God knows my sorrow. And in memory of a man who found God in the end. Lee Atwater.
In trying to stop this senseless war, one needs to uncover what lies underneath every stone. Back in the 1960s, someone who met (as I had) Melody Wang - the singer Donovan - sang the song "Season of the Witch."
I am the granddaughter of THE TOP ILLUMINATI. Extremely well aware of certain things in the esoteric "Arts." The lyrics, perhaps coincidentally stated "You've got to pick up every stitch - oh no - must be the season of the witch,"
and a nickname for Melody Wang was "Melo" (ask Kenny Rehders as well). Coincidentally, Donovan sang "They call her Melo Yellow" as in Melody plus Wang; her last name [having connotations of an Asian heritage or background].
Blair listened implicitly to Melody Wang. I watched him deteriorate in Las Vegas late 1960s. Any questions - perhaps George Hamilton, the Hughes family [?] or Andy Card may even have a reference [in conversation Lauren has repeatedly mentioned White House staffer Andrew Card in very favorable terms]. Blair would not leave his room unless he spoke to Melody Wang first. Next thing he's attending really bad [Sanatoria] on the other side of the hotel and that side emptied out. [Sanatoria] - the bad side are "black stitches" -- spells. Melody also told me she would not tell Ariel Sharon what she had been involve in late 1970s / early 1980s and threatened to do something to me if I told him. This was, I believe, in New York. Next thing I could hardly eat. My body balloons.
Posted December 2005 in Washington D.C., noting Lauren does have connections which have been validated; the context she provides is at least a background perspective on the origins of players and events in the George W. Bush administration.
Camp Colang - originally formed by Cole and Lang combining their last names - was a weight camp ultimately run by Tony Sparber with some suggestion Sparber has continued in the field. The setting would be ideal as a CIA mechanism providing access to children in a 'trust/query' social dynamic - particularly given some obvious manipulation inherent in motivation and weight loss - but there do not seem to be many other references in literature or media [if any].
Thank God someone has finally addressed the menace Bush represents, acting in a blessedly straight-forward manner. Enough of the duplicity and subterfuge, here privatized Social Security and there tax deductible 'health savings accounts' essentially for the wealthy. We like that it wasn't seat-of-the-pants but direct and to the point, mitigated of course to the extent the Vice President's directive issued from a 28-guage shotgun at thirty yards. We look to the legislative branch and say the 'dithering adjudication' - the test of the wavering wind - must somehow be unified in ousting Bush NOW......